Used Cheap Vehicles For Sale provide premium quality automobiles by making luxury affordable to a larger section of people. They deal with both pre-owned and new products thereby making luxury available to all their customers without compromising the quality of the product.
We specialize in importing used cars from the USA (damaged and crash cars, other cars from the USA) as well as new cars from the USA. We buy vehicles in the USA at official dealerships, we present offers directly on our website. You can order a purchase at the Copart, IAAI and Manheim auctions. We have an American dealership license, thanks to which we have access to 99% of offers. Our own container base and warehouse in New Jersey provides transport logistics at the highest level. We service road transport throughout the United States.
Our main task is to protect you from dishonest sellers and minimize the risk of unsuccessful vehicle purchase at the auction in the USA. Each offer you send to us is verified for several dozen different factors, if at least one of them raises our doubt, we will advise against the purchase of the item you indicated. Remember, working with us means clearly defined rules. We will present a full simulation of import costs, which you will receive from us in writing.
Having recently been in a major MVA, I was not looking forward to purchasing a new car. My dealings with Colin and today with Dillon have helped make this a good experience for me. Their attention to my needs, their kindness and professionalism have been exceptional. I am looking forward to a new start in my Chrysler 200.
We were very impressed with the personal level of service received from Dillon. There were no sales tactics or pressure associated to our car purchasing experience. We will recommend Used Cheap Vehicles For Sale Sales and Dillon to our friends and family. Thanks
Just bought our second vehicle at Used Cheap Vehicles For Sale! Great experience! Super friendly and personal service!! Thank you Colin for helping us!
+1 512-774-4120
1532-1698 Hazen St Knoxville, TN 37915
09:00 AM - 22:00 PM
There are NO HIDDEN FEES on our used cars at our Kitchener dealership. Our theory is that the thing most wanted by used vehicle shoppers is to deal with an honest used car dealer. We won’t motor through the fine print about our used vehicles!
We are a Kitchener based, family-run used car dealership specializing in competitively priced used cars, used trucks, used vans, used SUVS and low-rate financing for over 40 years. With over 200 vehicles to choose from, and a non-commissioned sales staff to assist you, you will be sure to find the right auto for your budget.
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Used Cheap Vehicles For Sale was the first place we looked when buying our car and after shopping around we returned. The selection and prices were great. Our sales person, Colin, was very helpful, knowledgable and great to deal with. We would buy there again and recommend it to our friends.